Rep these last 2 rows 2, (3, 4, 6, 6) times more—42 (44, 44, 46, 48) sts rem.
Work even until armhole measures 4 ½”, (5, 5 ½, 6, 6 ½). BO 11 sts at the beg of next 2 rows.
Place rem 20 (22, 24, 24, 26) sts onto a holder.
With smaller needle and RS facing, pick up and k 5 sts along the top of the buttonhole band, k8 sts along the neck edge to the sleeve extension, k9 sts along the sleeve extension, k22, (22, 24, 24, 26) sts from back holder, k9 sts along the sleeve extension, k8 sts along the neck edge to buttonband, k5 sts along the buttonband. 66(66, 68, 68, 70) sts. K 1 row.
Buttonhole Row (RS): K3, BO 2 sts, k to end of row.
On next row, k across row to last 3 sts, CO 2, k3.
66(66, 68, 68, 70) sts. K 2 more rows and BO all sts on next row. Sew 5 buttons onto the front band.
Weave in all ends.